Background and purpose Microsurgical training in neurosurgery is essential, the aim being to practise surgery with the microscope and to learn vascular and nervous anastomosis techniques. The objective of this project was to create a model simulating the human anatomy and surgical conditions. Technique Rats were operated on using a plaster model mimicking a human hemicranium. The technique performed was an end to side anastomosis of the distal free end of the left carotid to the right carotid arteriotomy, using eight interrupted 10/0 sutures, at a depth of 5 cm. Early and delayed patency tests were performed. Discussion Various models and techniques for training to microsurgical arterial anastomosis are described in the literature. The determining factor is the skill of the operator, which is in turn dependent on the level of training. This model allows the surgeon to gain significant technical experience with the EC-IC bypass, which is applicable to human neurosurgical practice and is indispensable for the prospective neurovascular surgeon.