Shiroroga is a broad term encompassing various diseases of the head involving Rakta Dushti due to vitiated Doshas.[1] resulting in different neurovascular presentations, which is comparable with the vascular pathology of stroke. Cerebrovascular diseases include some of the most devastating disorders such as ischemic stroke and haemorrhagic stroke, which result in episodes of brain dysfunction.[2] Currently, the stroke incidents in India is much higher and prevention of stroke is the best option, through control and/or avoiding risk factors such as hypertension. Objectives: This calls for an evaluation of the possible Shiroroga Nidana in the development of Cerebro Vascular Accident (CVA) to identify more risk factors. Methods: In this cross-sectional observational study, 30 subjects diagnosed with the cerebrovascular accident were selected. The probable incidence of Nidana (causes), in patients, were assessed through a questionnaire developed for the study. The recorded data were analysed with descriptive statistics. Results: Nidana, like Vegadharana and Rodana causes Rakta Dushti along with Vata Prakopa. Aharaja Nidanas of Shiroroga are similar to that of Rakta Dushti Nidana and directly causes Dhatu Pradooshana in the body. Manasika Nidana or anxiety and emotional stress acts as Vyanjaka or PrerakaHetu in Samprapti of Shiroroga. Conclusion: Bahya Hetu (external factors) triggers Dosha Kopa or causes Dhatu Pradooshana. In CVA patients, Vata Pradhana Tridosha Kopa and Rakta were vitiated to initiate the disease manifestation. Keywords: Cerebrovascular Accident; Nidana; Shiras; Shiroroga; Stroke.