Caricature, conflation, and confusion -- these are primary means by which Wahlsten in Intelligence of Heritability seeks to upgrade our education concerning concept of heritability. heritability coefficient (h'Symbol not transcribed'2) is an estimate of proportion of phenotypic variance in a trait attributable to genotypic variance and has been of practical value in artificial selection of desirable phenotypic characteristics in domestic strains. Because heritability has broader implications concerning amenability of traits to both natural selection and environmental influence heritability continues to be a concept much misunderstood and abused by those still ensnared in politics of nature/nurture debate.In this context, Wahlsten is perhaps both thought - provoking and contentious: thought - provoking because during process of debunking certain myths about heritability analysis some even greater misconceptions are revealed; contentious because his criticism of concept of heritability involves construction of a caricature or strawman, conflation of a statistical test with a conceptual model, and confusion of levels of analysis. Nevertheless, if object of scientific discourse is scientific progress, then ensuing discussion of Wahlsten's critique should ultimately result in raising our collective intelligence about heritability.What's All Fuss About Heritability?Broad sense heritability (h'Symbol not transcribed'2), accurately described by Wahlsten, estimates proportion of total phenotypic variance in a trait (V'Symbol not transcribed'Y) in a breeding population that is attributed to genotypic variance (V'Symbol not transcribed'G). conceptual model of h'Symbol not transcribed'2 is represented thus:h'Symbol not transcribed'2 = V'Symbol not transcribed'G/V'Symbol not transcribed'YA primary assumption of this model according to Wahlsten is that the measured score (or phenotype) of an individual on a psychological test (Y'Symbol not transcribed'i) is sum of only two components, G'Symbol not transcribed'i determined by genes and E'Symbol not transcribed'i specified by person's environment: that is G and E must not interact. Therefore according to Wahlsten:V'Symbol not transcribed'Y = V'Symbol not transcribed'G + V'Symbol not transcribed'EPresenting this as basic conceptual model of heritability, where effects of genes and environment are strictly additive, Wahlsten subsequently and somewhat predictably proceeds to highlight its inadequacies. For example, in citing a number of important examples of gene - environment interactions, including McGill maze bright and dull rats (Hughes & Zubek, 1956), Wahlsten reveals inherent inability of this model to accommode gene - environment interactions. resultant statement that The additive model is not biologically realistic. is a foregone conclusion, but whole exercise a bit puzzling.My initial exposure to behaviour genetics, which I am certain was not unique, included presentation of a conceptual model of heritability where total phenotypic variance (V'Symbol not transcribed'Y) equals sum of genotypic variance (V'Symbol not transcribed'G) and environmental variance (V'Symbol not transcribed'E) plus interaction of two terms (V'Symbol not transcribed'GxE). original conceptual model as presented in various texts (e.g., Carlson, 1988; Drickamer & Vessey, 1982; Farnsworth, 1978) is:h'Symbol not transcribed'2 = V'Symbol not transcribed'G/V'Symbol not transcribed'Y, where V'Symbol not transcribed'Y = V'Symbol not transcribed'G + V'Symbol not transcribed'E + V'Symbol not transcribed'GxEWhile a number of other authors have presented simplified model as depicted by Wahlsten they usually specify that this particular model only holds if genotype and environment do not interact (e.g., Plomin, DeFries & Fulkner, 1988; Wilson, 1975). …
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