Keynote Addresses ANDERSON, T.W.: Multivariate linear relations. Box, G.E.P. (with R.D. MEYER): Some aspects of statistical design in quality improvement. HANNAN, E.J.: The statistical theory of linear systems. RAO, C.R.: Estimation in linear models with mixed effects: a unified theory. Invited Papers ATKINSON, A.C.: Robust regression and unmasking transformations. BAKSALARY, J. K.: Algebraic characterizations and statistical implications ofthe commutativity of orthogonal projectors. CONRADSEN, K. (with B.K. NIELSEN): Textural features useful in classification of digital images. KARIYA, T.: MTV model and its application to prediction of stock prices. KHATRI, C.G.: Quadratic forms and null robustness for elliptical distributions. MUSTONEN, S.: Editorial approach in statistical computing. PERLMAN, M.D. (with T.W. ANDERSON): Consistency of invariant tests for the multivariate analysis of variance. PRATT, J.W.: Dividing the indivisible: using simple symmetry to partition variance explained. PUKELSHEIM, F.: Majorization orderings for linear regression designs. PUKKILA, T. (with A. KALIJNEN): On the order determination of time series models. RISSANEN, J.: Complexity and information in contingency tables. SoCTT, A.J.: Generalized linear models with survey data. SINHA, B.K. (with R. DAs): Robust optimum invariant unbiased tests for variance components. SPEED, T.P.: Generalized variance component models. STYAN, G.P.H. (with R.E. HARTWIG): Partially ordered idempotent matrices. Contributed Papers ANDERSON, A.J.B.: Fortran8x as a language forstatisticalcomputation. BALDESSARI,B.: On regression analysisundertheintrinsicinference model for stratified dependent normal random variables. BRANNAS, K.: Control in the duration model framework. DANIAL, E.J. and KATTi, S.K.: The asymptotic variances of the necessary and sufficient conditions for the infinite divisibility of discrete distributions through multivariate analysis. DANIAL, E.J. and KATTI, S.K.: Computing the maximum likelihood estimates of the hyper-Poisson parameters interactively through APL computer language. DIEBOLD, F.X. and NERLOVE, M.: Factor structure in a multivariate ARCH model of exchange ratefluctuations. FAREBROTHER, R.W.: Simultaneous confidence intervals when the regressor matrix is unbalanced. FEUERVERGER, A.: Some Fourier procedures for time domain analysis of parametric and semi-parametric time series models. GELFAND, A.E.: Estimation of a restricted variance ratio. de GOOIJER, J.G. and HEUTS, R.M.J.: Higher order moments of bilinear time series processes with symmetrically distributed errors. IGNATOV, Z.G. and KAISHEV, V.K.: On the computation of distributions of serial correlation coefficients through B splines. JAJUGA, K.: Elliptically symmetric distributions and their application to classification and regression. KOLLO, T.: Asymptotic distributions of functions of means and covariances. KONAKOV, V.D.: Nonparametric density estimation: L approach. KORHONEN, P. and NARULA, S.C.: On subjectivity in statistics. KOUKOUVINOS, C. and KoUNIAS, S.: Optimal designs in linear models and Hadamard matrices. LATOUR, D., PUNTANEN, S. and STYAN, G.P.H.: Equalities and inequalities for the canonical correlations associated with some partitioned generalized inverses of a covariance matrix. LISKI, E.P.: Identifying influential data in a growth curves model. MANLY, B.F.J. and McALEVEY, L.: A randomization alternative to the Bonferroni inequality with multiple F tests. MEJZA, S.: Experiments in incomplete split-plot designs. MERIKOSKI, J.K.: Underestimating the largest eigenvalue of a covariance matrix. MILITKt, J., KvSMR, K. and CAP, J.: Comparison of some influence measures in nonlinear regression. NORDSTROM, K. and von ROSEN, D.: Algebra of subspaces with applications to problems in statistics. OSOSKOV, G.A.: Robust regression for the heavy contaminated sample. PYNNONEN, S.: Selection of variables in nonlinear discriminant analysis by information criteria. SALEM, A.M. and WAHAB, S.A.: On the determination of the amplitude of quasi-stationary phenomena. SCHAFFRIN, B.: Less sensitive tests by introducing stochastic linear hypotheses. SCHALL, R. and DUNNE, T.T.: On outliers and influence in the general multivariate normal linear model. TRENKLER, G., STAHLECKER, P., SCHIPP, B. and HERING, F.: Iterative improvements of a partial minimax estimator in regression analysis. WERNECKE, K.-D., KALB, G. and STdRZEBECKER, E.: On classification strategies in medical functional diagnostics.