This paper investigates the optimal design of variable fractionaldelay (VFD) filter with discrete coefficients as a means ofachieving low complexity and efficient hardware implementation. Thefilter coefficients are expressed as the sum of signed power-of-two(SPT) terms with a restriction on the total number of power-of-twoterms. An optimization problem with least squares criterion isformulated as a mixed-integer programming problem. An optimalscaling factor quantization scheme is applied to the problemresulting in an optimal scaling factor quantized solution. Thissolution is then improved further by applying a discrete filledfunction, that has been extended for a mixed integer optimizationproblem. To apply the discrete filled function method, it requiresmultiple calculations of the objective function around theneighborhood of a searched point. Thus, an updating scheme isdeveloped to efficiently calculate the objective function in aneighborhood of a point. Design examples demonstrate theeffectiveness of the proposed optimization approach.
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