Currently, there is a lack of reliable approaches for the fatigue assessment of adhesively bonded joints that are subject to multiaxial stresses with variable amplitudes. To improve the current situation, investigations are made on the capability of three multiaxial evaluation approaches based on fatigue tests of adhesively butt-bonded hollow cylinders under multiaxial loading with constant phase shift and variable amplitudes.The investigated approaches are the Gough-Pollard criterion, the Findley criterion and a new method presented here, which is based on a multiaxial counting method and an invariant equivalent stress hypothesis (MCES-Method).While the Gough-Pollard criterion has a low computational effort, it does not reflect the fatigue life extending effect due to a phase shift without using a fitting parameter that is not physically based. The Findley criterion is less suitable for the investigated multiaxial stress states (with and without phase shift), although the fatigue life prediction under these load conditions is at least conservative. The MCES-Method has the highest accuracy of the methods considered. By combining research findings from published papers in the context of adhesively bonded joints, all investigated load scenarios are estimated with high prognosis quality.