Pressure induced superconductivity discovered in CeRhSi3 and CeIrSi3 has attracted much attention due to their being heavy fermion superconductors without inversion symmetry. It is also pointed out that both of them lie close to the quantum critical point, and interestingly Ce 4f electrons are itinerant even in their antiferromagnetic phase in sharp contrast to CeRhIn5 in which Ce 4f electrons are localized in the antiferromagnetic phase. The itinerant character of the Ce 4f electron in CeRhSi3 was pointed out by de Haas–van Alphen (dHvA) measurements. When Ce 4f electrons are localized, the Fermi surfaces (FSs) in CeRhSi3 will be very similar to those in LaRhSi3. On the other hand, the observed dHvA frequencies and then FSs in CeRhSi3 are totally different to those in LaRhSi3, and these results are interpreted as a strong indication of the itinerant character of Ce 4f electrons in CeRhSi3. The angle-resolved photoemission study in CeIrSi3 indicates that the Ce 4f electrons in CeIrSi3 are also itinerant. The observed FSs in CeIrSi3 are substantially larger than those in LaIrSi3 and they contact each other at Brillouin zone boundaries. The ground states of Ce ions in CeIrSi3 and CeRhSi3 are determined to be 7 doublets through the susceptibility studies, and their magnetic moments order antiferromagnetically at low temperatures. A neutron diffraction study of those magnetic structures may provide important information on the possible itinerant character of Ce 4f electrons in CeIrSi3 and CeRhSi3. The magnetic structure of CeRhSi3 was determined by our previous study. CeRhSi3 shows an antiferromagnetic phase below TN 1⁄4 1:6K with the magnetic moment of ord 1⁄4 0:13 B/Ce. The magnetic moments lie in the c plane and form a longitudinal spin-density wave with a propagation vector 1⁄4 ð0:215; 0; 1=2Þ, being consistent with a picture that the Ce 4f electrons are itinerant. Recently, we also succeeded in observing magnetic peaks in CeIrSi3 by neutron diffraction. The magnetic peaks appear below TN 1⁄4 5:0K at Q 1⁄4 G 1 and at Q 1⁄4 G 2 with 1 1⁄4 ð0:265; 0; 0:43Þ and 2 1⁄4 ð 0:265; 0; 0:43Þ, and G denotes the fundamental reciprocal vector for the BaNiSn3-type structure. In contrast to the magnetic structure of CeRhSi3, the observed magnetic structure is incommensurate both along the a and c directions. The single crystal sample used in the present study was grown by Czochralsky pulling method in a tetra-arc furnace at Tohoku university. The X-ray powder diffraction measurements at room temperature confirmed only the Bragg peak lines expected for the BaNiSn3-type structure. The size of the crystal was 3mm in diameter and 35mm long whose weight was 1.1 g. Neutron diffraction measurements were carried out with the GPTAS triple-axis spectrometer installed at 4G in the JRR-3 research reactor at Japan Atomic Energy Agency. The incident momentum of ki 1⁄4 3:83 A 1 was adopted to avoid large absorption of Ir atoms with a set of collimators of 400-800-400. To reduce the higher order contaminations, two PG filters were utilized. The one was placed at the position before the monochromator and the other just before the analyzer. The crystal was mounted to the He gas closed cycle refrigerator whose base temperature is 0.75K, and it was aligned with the (0 1 0) axis vertical so that the (h0l) zone can be observed. The lattice parameters at 1 K was a 1⁄4 1:487 A , and c 1⁄4 0:642 A . The (h0l) reciprocal plane in CeIrSi3 is shown in Fig. 1 in which the fundamental reflections for the BaNiSn3-type structure are denoted by open circles, while observed magnetic satellites are denoted by yellow filled circles (for the propagation vector 1) and star-shape blue symbols (for the propagation vector 2). The dashed circles indicate the position at which the aluminum powder lines are observed. In order to find the magnetic peaks in CeIrSi3, we carried out a two-dimensional survey scans around the Q 1⁄4 ð0:215; 0; 2:5Þ at which the magnetic peak was observed in CeRhSi3. The scans were carried out for the range with h: 0.10–0.30 and l: 2.34–2.48 which is indicated by a gray hatch in Fig. 1, and the observed intensity distribution is depicted as a contour map in Fig. 2. We discovered a weak peak at Q 1⁄4 ð0:265; 0; 2:43Þ. We noted that the peak is actually a single peak and dips of intensity around Q 1⁄4 Magnetic Bragg Nuclear Bragg 111 200 ( h 0 l ) zone CeIrSi3
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