For a gas mixture in thermal equilibrium the degree of ionization of each component can be computed with the formula of Saha (§ 1). We have investigated the applicability of this formula for Sr and Ba vapour in the central part of the column of vertical arc discharges between carbon electrodes in air of atmospheric pressure. For that purpose we had to determine, for a small region in the arc, the concentration of the electrons, that of the ions and atoms in question, and also the temperature (§ 1). The former was found from the current, the electric field-strength, the mobility of the electrons and their radial distribution in the arc (arc diameter, § 5 and 6). The concentrations of the ions and atoms were derived from the intensities of some of their spectral lines, on the basis of the values of the corresponding transition probabilities (§ 4) and with the help of the formula of Boltzmann for the populations of the levels (§ 3) ; this formula had been checked previously. The temperature too was determined optically, namely from the intensity ratios in the CN bands which were also present in the spectrum (§ 2). Both sides of the checked eq. 3 are very sensitive to errors in the results and in the interpretation of the optical measurements; consequently no accurate agreement can be expected even if the formula of Saha is valid. The measurements were performed with a number of direct current arcs of different current-strengths and temperatures (§ 6 and table I), and also for the maximum phase of some alternating current arcs (50 cycles/sec) (§ 7 and table V). A comparison (method: § 8) of ths results (table II–IV and VII) shows a relatively good agreement (§ 9 and 10). Therefore we conclude that the formula of Saha is applicable to Sr and Ba in the arcs investigated, within an uncertainty margin of about 20% in the ionization.