The spectra of carbon dioxide in the 3.3 µm region were recorded at three pressures using Bruker IFS 125 HR Fourier transform spectrometer and a 30 m base multipass gas cell of V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS. Several lines of the 01111–00001 (ν2 + ν3) magnetic dipole band of 12C16O2 were detected and their line intensities were measured. The vibrational transition magnetic dipole moment was fitted to the observed line intensities. The fitted value of the vibrational transition magnetic dipole moment of 0.71(1)µN is substantially smaller than the value of 0.96µN obtained in the result of the analysis of the Martian atmosphere spectra (here µN is the nuclear magneton). Using the known set of the effective Hamiltonian parameters and fitted value of the vibrational transition magnetic dipole moment the list of the line parameters of this band was generated for the HITRAN database. In addition the line intensities of the R-branch of the electric dipole 01111–00001 band of the 16O12C18O isotopologue were measured for the first time.
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