The phenomenon of scintillations in relation to rain attenuation of Ku-band satellite signals has been studied at a tropical location. The standard deviation (σ) of scintillations increases with attenuation up to a value in the range of 6-7 dB, beyond which σ decreases with attenuation. A technique is proposed to obtain some effective values of structure constant (Cn2) of refractive-index variation from the experimental observations of σ and rain rate (R). The value of Cn2 also increases with attenuation up to values in the 6-7-dB range and decreases beyond that value. The eddies in turbulent raining medium grow with rain rate, and consequently with attenuation, causing an increase in the outer scale (LO) of turbulence and thus increasing σ until LO reaches the size of the first Fresnel zone. In a further development, the contribution of LO toward Cn2 decreases, resulting in the decrease of fast fluctuations with rain attenuation.