This study investigated the structural response characteristics of a novel single-point mooring gravity-type deep-water (SPM-GDW) net cage under irregular waves and currents. A hydrodynamic numerical model of the cage was created and validated through model experiments. Based on the validated cage model, the structural response characteristics such as cage motion response, mooring line forces, and floating collar stress were studied, considering the actual operating conditions in the target sea area. The response time history curves, wave height time history, and spectral density statistics were studied and compared. The results showed that the heave motion of the cage was consistent with wave elevation in the vertical direction and mainly influenced by wave conditions. The surge motion of the cage was closely related to the current, with a significant lag effect compared to wave elevation motion. Low-frequency loads under the combined action of waves and currents had a significant impact on the surge motion of the cage. In addition, the mooring line tension and pontoon stress were closely related to the wave elevation, with peak values of tension and stress occurring almost simultaneously with the peak wave elevation. However, the pontoon stress exhibited high-frequency response characteristics while satisfying the wave frequency response trend. It was found that the flow velocity had a significant impact on the spectral density of mooring line tension and pontoon stress in the low-frequency range, with an increase in spectral density values as the flow velocity increased. The structural response characteristics identified in this study provide a computational basis for the optimized design and analysis of single-point mooring gravity-type deep-water cages.
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