The study aimed to assess the status of the coco geonet in Central Luzon, particularly Aurora, which comprises more than 90% of the region’s production. The study utilized a participatory method, and a value chain analysis framework was used to examine the roles of different key players. The value chain comprises input provision, farm production, processing, and marketing. Based on the results of the study, coco geonet processors received the biggest share in terms of both value addition and total cost. Nearly all coconut farmers initially obtained planting materials from other coconut farmers whose farms exhibited high-quality characteristics. These farmers utilize simple farming methods that have not changed in many decades. Coco geonet production consists of two processing stages: coco-coir production and coco-geonet weaving. The primary constraint for coco geonets is the lack of access to the institutional market. Customers for the coco geonets produced by Aurora’s value chain are currently scarce. Marketing links are necessary to add value to the husks. It is therefore recommended that the products be promoted, their market be developed, and their marketing potential be tapped to allow the industry to become lucrative. Inter-agency support is needed for the value chain to perform efficiently and effectively.