Value at Risk (VaR) is a risk measurement tool to calculate the estimated maximum investment loss with a certain confidence level and period. VaR calculations using financial data are often not normally distributed, so the copula method is used, which is flexible on the assumption of normality on stock return data. Previous research discussed Gaussian copula using stocks from the telecommunications sector. In this research, using Gaussian copula on Blue Chip stocks. Blue Chip stocks have a good reputation and have a stable growth rate so they have a lower risk. Therefore, the research objective is to analyze the VaR portfolio of Blue Chip stock with Gaussian copula. This research uses the daily stock closing prices of BBNI and BBTN from November 2, 2020 to October 27, 2022. The analysis results suggested that a VaR portfolio using Gaussian copula with a confidence level of 90%, 95%, and 99%, respectively are 2.24%, 2.88%, and 4.02%. The value shows the percentage of investment risk that may be obtained in the next one-day period. This result also indicates that the higher the confidence level, the greater the VaR.
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