POINT-COUNTERPOINTRebuttal from KaremakerPublished Online:01 May 2009https://doi.org/10.1152/japplphysiol.91107.2008cMoreSectionsPDF (36 KB)Download PDF ToolsExport citationAdd to favoritesGet permissionsTrack citations ShareShare onFacebookTwitterLinkedInEmailWeChat Dr. Eckberg has gone through a lot of physiological literature to prove his Point. However, as explained in the Counterpoint, his reasoning from time domain experimental data to frequency domain and back misses the target on a number of critical points.The basic issue here is the applicability of data measured in single neurons under deep anesthesia in experimental animals to recordings in alert humans. This is not to discard animal experimentation; it is at the heart of physiological and scientific progress. However, the step from one to the other is not always easily proven.We may assume for a fact that central cardiac vagal neurons are coinnervated from centers that drive inspiratory motor neurons (1). Even if that mechanism is active in the conscious human condition, it still does not preclude the dominant influence of peripheral input signals to constitute what finally is apparent as respiratory sinus arrhythmia. The observed time delays do not preclude it, as explained in the Counterpoint: any change in (systolic) blood pressure is translated sufficiently fast into efferent vagal outflow to the sinus node. Phase delays from blood pressure to heart rate cannot measure intrabeat delays more precisely than to the duration of one heart beat. The technique of Fourier transform does not add new information to the data. Phase differences between blood pressure and heart period around the respiratory frequency are well within the limits of ±1 heart beat, indicating that the observed changes are in phase and occur within the same beat. Variability in this phase is merely a reflection of the nonsinusoidal character of the tracings. The fact that sympathetically induced blood pressure and heart rate changes follow sympathetic nerve signals by some 3 s is irrelevant for vagus nerve delays to sinus node responses.If all (or most) respiratory variability in heart rate would originate primarily from central mechanisms, the phase between heart period and (systolic) blood pressure changes should reveal this: heart period should precede pressure by 1 beat. At the common respiratory frequency around 0.25 Hz and heart periods around 900 ms, this would result in a phase advance of (900/4000)·360 = 81° or more. This is not commonly observed.In conclusion, the mutual timings of heart rate and blood pressure variabilities are well compatible with a peripheral origin of RSA, be it or be it not centrally amplified by subthreshold oscillations of cardiac vagal motor neurons due to respiratory involvement. Of the many peripheral inputs that impinge on those efferents, the baroreceptors are in the front row.REFERENCE1 Gilbey MP, Jordan D, Richter DW, and Spyer KM. Synaptic mechanisms involved in the inspiratory modulation of vagal cardio-inhibitory neurones in the cat. J Physiol 356: 65–78, 1984.Crossref | PubMed | ISI | Google Scholar Download PDF Previous Back to Top Next FiguresReferencesRelatedInformation More from this issue > Volume 106Issue 5May 2009Pages 1744-1744 Copyright & PermissionsCopyright © 2009 the American Physiological Societyhttps://doi.org/10.1152/japplphysiol.91107.2008cHistory Published online 1 May 2009 Published in print 1 May 2009 Metrics