Government Regulation Number 5 Year 2021 on Risk-Based Business Licensing Implementation only regulates business entities. BAPETEN Regulation Number 3 Year 2021, as an implementing regulation in the nuclear energy sector, also only applies to business entities. Non-business entities' licensing for the utilization of nuclear energy needs a solid legal basis under the current regulatory framework. On the other hand, the BAPETEN Chairman has directed that the revision of BAPETEN Regulation Number 3 Year 2021 should integrate provisions for non-business entities. A brief study on the implications of this integration has been conducted. The study aims to identify and map the potential implications of the direction given by the BAPETEN Chairman. The results of the study include the following: Government Regulation Number 5 Year 2021 does not mandate regulations for non-business entities, a separate legal framework is needed to integrate provisions for non-business entities into the revision of BAPETEN Regulation Number 3 Year 2021, and adjustments must be made to the title of the regulation, scope of the provisions, and the legal drafting concept. Keywords: non-business entities, licensing, activity standard, utilization of nuclear energy.
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