The purpose of the study – to assess the risk factors for the occurrence of low placentationin the early stages of gestation.Materials and methods. A clinical and statistical analysis of 150 individual charts ofpregnant women and women in labor in women with a low lying placenta (main group)and 80 pregnant women with a normal localization of the placenta in the fundus andbody of the uterus (control group), who were under dispensary supervision in a women’sconsultation, was carried ou.tThe results. After conducting the analysis, it was established that the main groupwas dominated by women over 30 years old (40.7 % of cases), compared to 25.0 %of pregnant women in the control group (p<0.05). The age of onset of menarche after14 years is marked significantly more often in pregnant women with low placentation –in 22.7 %, compared to normal localization of the placenta – in 8.8 % of cases. Thedevelopment of the menstrual cycle by one year in the main group was 2.5 times lessfrequent than in the control group. 58.7 % of pregnant women with low placentationhad 2 or more artificial abortions, 46 % had a history of spontaneous miscarriages, inpregnant women with normal placentation, these indicators were 32.5 % and 18.8 % ofpregnant women, respectively (p<0.05). In 20.7 % of cases of women in the main group,childbirth was completed by cesarean section, and in the control group – in 7.5 % ofcases. In pregnant women with low placentation, 26.0 % had inflammatory diseases ofthe uterine appendages, 50.7 % had cervical erosion, 10.7 % had uterine fibroids, 16.7 %had endometriosis, compared to the control group in 17 .5 %, 36.3 %, 3.8 % and in 6.3 %of cases, respectively (p<0.05). Conservative myomectomy was performed in 30 % ofcases of the main group and 12.5 % of women in the control group. Conclusions. Risk factors for low placentation are a woman’s age over 30 years, latemenarche and late onset of menstrual function, history of gynecological diseases, highbirth parity, history of spontaneous miscarriages and artificial abortions, uterine scar,and manual revision of the uterine cavity walls. Identifying the risk factors for lowplacentation will reduce the level of perinatal and obstetric complications.