Diarrhoea still remains one of the leading causes of U-5 morbidity and mortality especially in the developing countries of the world. Major contributor to the mortality and morbidity in acute watery diarrhoea, is dehydration. This cross-sectional study was conducted in October, 2006 by the use of structured interview at Yerwa Primary Health Care Centre, Maiduguri, to assess mothers’ knowledge, attitude and practice of home management of acute watery diarrhoea in U-5 children. A total of 80 mothers were interviewed, all mothers had heard of ORS, while 20% of them had good knowledge of home management of acute watery diarrhoea. No significant difference in knowledge of home management was observed in relation to age and parity of the mothers, but significant statistical difference was found between mothers with tertiary education and those with no education. The general attitude of the mothers towards ORS was higher than to other recommended home fluids of home management of acute watery diarrhoea. All, but 6 (7.5%) mothers had used ORS in the past. The non users of ORS were primipara, teenage mothers with no education. A lot of gap still exists in knowledge, attitude and correct practice of home management of acute watery diarrhoea in Maiduguri. Proper education and training of stake holders in HM diarrhoeal disease in our health facilities is therefore recommended. Niger Med J. Vol. 49, No.1, Jan. – Mar., 2008: 5 – 8. Keywords: mothers, home management, acute watery diarrhoea.
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