The dynamic response of the grid to any change in its transmission power is always fluctuating. In the past, only thermal power plants were used to supply the power required by the demand, but nowadays renewable energy resources have taken a significant share. Due to the inherent intermittent of this type of renewable energies, the dynamic responses of the network have also become more intense, and therefore it is necessary to use special equipment and control strategy to improve stability and maintain normal condition in generating the required power, especially in the fault conditions. In this project, a microgrid including a wind power plant with a capacity of 2 MW is used, which is connected to the main grid. To maintain the stability of the microgrid, a device called STATCOM is used, which can maintain the voltage level of the network at the desired value by injecting reactive power. In order to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed system, four different operating conditions including normal status, single phase to ground fault, two phase to ground fault and three phase to ground fault are modeled and the obtained results show that the use of STATCOM can play a major role in improving the stability level of the network.
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