Recent studies on the distribution of microplastics in aquatic sediments have deployed different methods and devices for density separation of microplastics from sediments. However, instrument specific limitations have been noted, including their high cost, difficulty in handling, or/and the potential for elevated contamination risk due to their plastic composition. This study improves existing sediment microplastic separation techniques by modifying the commonly used conical shape glass separating funnels. The modification consists in connecting a silicone tube at the base of the funnel, whose opening and closure was manually controlled by a Mohr clamp. This adjustment made to the funnels have effectively mitigated critical clogging problems frequently encountered in density separation units. An experiment was conducted using sand-based sediment spiked with polyamide fragments to validate this method modification. Following a complete extraction protocol with the modification of separating funnels, the microplastic extraction efficiency from sediments was high with a 90% recovery rate. Based on these promising results, future studies should consider naturally diverse substrates, as recovery efficiency may be sediment-dependent.Two key adjustments to the glass separation funnels:•Removal of stopcocks•Use of silicone tubes and Mohr clamps to control sediment release
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