This paper discusses measures aimed at improving the efficiency of power systems by increasing the capacity of power transmission lines. To that end, a FACTS technology based on a phase-shifting transformer was used. The feasibility of using phase-shifting transformers to increase the throughput capacity of interconnected power transmission systems was investigated by determining the maximum allowable cross-section flows of the United Energy System of the Urals – the United Energy System of Siberia. The studied cross-section included 500 kV transmission lines and the extended 220 kV Nizhnevartovskaya GRES – Tomskaya transit. Calculations were performed for normal and various post-emergency schemes using the RastrWin3 software package. The regulation of phas e-shifting transformer branches and the direction of power flow in the section were taken into account. For the considered cross -section, the use of a phase-shifting transformer was shown to provide for the 220 kV transit operation in a closed mode. This i mproved the reliability of power supply in the region and allowed the maximum allowable overflow to be increased by 35 – 71%. In addition, similar calculations were carried out for the option of strengthening the 220 kV transit through the construction of a parallel 500 kV line. The effect of increasing the capacity of this option was established to reach 20 –35%. The decisive factor limiting the maximum permissible cross-section flows during 220 kV transit short circuit in the normal and reinforced versions was found to be the current overload of the head sections. Recommendations on the preferable use of an open transit mode are formulated. In conclusion, the efficiency of power systems can be improved by increasing the transmission capacity of power lines through the use of phase-shifting transformers. A segment of the Unified National Power Grid of Russia, where such devices are technologically expedient, was identified.
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