Starting from the early 90ies computer supported collaborative learning has gained new interest thanks to the diffusion of networks and social constructivism. In order to carry it into effect, it is possible to make use of generic tools (web forum, space for the uploading of materials, etc.) or of specific environments produced within the researches on CSCL (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning). While e-learning platforms pay much attention to tracing and readability of data and to interoperability standards, in the more specific field of CSCL critical elements remain unsolved in this regard: even if data are traced, they cannot be always easily read and consequently processed or exported for analysis purposes with other software (statistics, etc.). Synergeia, a well-known environment for net collaborative learning born of a European project, though allowing the tracing of users’ interactions, does not allow the extraction of this information for quantitative analyses or for the exportation outside the platform. This contribution, moving from experiences realized with this software in a university context, shows a specific tool (Slm – Synegeia Log Miner) which has been realized to extract important data for the monitoring and consequent evaluation of net collaborative interactions. The fitting of the specific tool is also the occasion to reflect on the indicators to be selected and on the interoperability perspectives linked to the format of this kind of data, through the identification of a generic data structure suitable for representing interactions in this sort of systems.
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