The vision of social transformations, which is a component of the stage of modernization of society, is presented. It is proposed to consider the influence of archetypes on social transformations through the formation of an archetypical and institutional mechanism for regulating socio-economic relations, which is proposed to be considered as an ordered set of institutional levers, incentives and measures aimed at ensuring the effective use of archetypes on the basis of a combination of factors of the micro- and macroeconomic environment by means of public administration. The emphasis is placed on the strengthening of the role of state and supra-national regulatory archetypical-institutional entities in the design of social transformations. Based on the existing theoretical and conceptual provisions for determining the content of the process of institutionalization of archetypes, it has been determined that the mechanism of regulation of institutional transformations of the national market should be considered in three main aspects, corresponding to the economic and social nature of the inter-subjective interaction of market participants. It is noted that the system-reflexive paradigm of regulation of the development and management of transformational changes of complex open socio-economic systems is based on the definition of the active nature of the influence of archetypes, subjects, as well as the reflexive procedures of their interaction, both on the choice of directions and ways of implementation, and on the dynamics of the flow of these processes. The composition of the main provisions that determine the feasibility of using a system of reflexive paradigm in the field of regulation of socio-economic relations, includes a set of assumptions. The main provisions defining the expediency of using the system-reflexive paradigm in the sphere of regulation of socio-economic relations are determined. It is established that the main institutional conflicts are manifestations of inconsistency between archetypes and elements of institutional environment.