Quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs), ecotoxic organic chemicals linked to multidrug resistance, are being used increasingly, for example to prevent the transmission of infections such as covid-19, in households, hospitals, and industry. To understand the locations, fluctuations, and fractions of QACs entering sewers, we monitored 14 QACs (benzalkonium chloride [BAC]-C8, C10, C12, C14, C16, and C18; dialkyldimethylammonium chloride [DDAC]-C8, C10, and C12; alkyltrimethylammonium chloride [ATAC]-C12, C16, and C18; benzethonium chloride; and cetylpyridinium chloride), and a disinfectant (chlorhexidine) in influent at four Japanese sewage treatment plants (STPs) five times throughout a year. Mass inflows were relatively stable throughout the year, indicating that the recent seasonal covid-19 epidemic did not greatly influence them. The differences in mass inflows among the STPs were normalized successfully by sewered residential population (most relative SDs were <30%), implying households to be the main source. Per-capita mass inflows accounted for 58%-73% of the per-capita consumption of BAC-C12+C14+C16, 28%-59% of that of DDAC-C10, 52%-70% of that of ATAC-C12, 86%-99% of that of ATAC-C16, and 64%-82% of that of ATAC-C18, indicating that a large proportion of their consumption entered sewers. The high contribution of ATAC-C16 agreed with its limited use in primary and secondary industries, little of whose wastewaters enter sewers, whereas the low contribution of DDAC-C10 is attributable to its substantial use in animal husbandry. Our first observation of fractions of QACs entering sewers will advance the management of environmental risks.
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