I have the honour to transmit to you, and by your favour to submit to the inspection of the Society of Antiquaries, sketches of what I presume is a Roman Burial Urn, dug up on the 26th day of April last, by labourers employed in raising gravel, for the repair of the adjoining turnpike-road, from a pit in the parish of Colney, situate three miles to the west of the city of Norwich, on the way to Hingham. The sketches are the work of an unskilful hand, but they may serve perhaps to convey no very inaccurate idea of their subject. Of these, No. 1, (Pl. I. fig. 1.) is intended to represent the appearance of the Urn previously to its having been broken near the brim. No. 2, its appearance after having been broken on one side. No. 3, a part of it, with its ornaments, nearly in their true size and proportions.