Five experiments were performed to investigate the effects of social status in groups of female mice on reproduction and on the release or urinary chemosignals that accelerate or delay the onset of sexual maturation in young females. Treatment of young female mice with urine from bottom-ranking mice in groups of 5 adult females resulted in delays in puberty comparable to those produced by treatment with urine pooled from females housed at moderate to high densities. Treatment of young females with urine from top-ranking females from the same groups resulted in ages for puberty not different from those of control females treated with water. There was an interaction between the social rank of a female and the stages of the estrous cycle with respect to the presence in the urine of chemosignals from grouping that delay puberty and estrus that accelerate puberty. Within groups of 5 adult mice, top-ranking females were in estrus more frequently than bottom-ranking females. Individually caged adult females treated with urine from top-ranking females were in estrus more frequently than females treated with urine from bottom-ranking females. When grouped females were separated into individual cages and mated, there was differential reproductive success: More top-ranking females conceived and bore litters than bottom-ranking females. Bottom-ranking females produced more female pups, relative to top- and middle-ranking females.
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