This paper presents the study of a fire risk to the backside of two miniatures of ISO 9705 2/5 using a lightweight partition for indoor space division and reproduction of the ISO 9705 test. An SGP partition, stud partition, glass wool panel, urethane foam panel, sandwich panel, and glass partition were selected as the test specimens, which are frequently used in construction. According to the ISO 9705 test standard, stabilization was achieved using a measuring device that recorded data before the ignition of a burner and continued recording for 120 s thereafter. After ignition was achieved, the power was increased to 300 kW for 600 s and then reduced to 100 kW for 600 s. The specimens were subsequently observed for 180 s, and the fire risk to the backside and the fire pattern of the wall unit were analyzed. Owing to the amount of heat generated by the ignition source, the maximum temperature of the backside was observed to be 67.7 ℃ for the SGP partition, 55.1 ℃ for the stud partition, 52.4 ℃ for the glass wool panel, 727.4 ℃ for the sandwich panel, 561 ℃ for the urethane foam panel, and 630.5 ℃ for the glass partition. In the cases of the sandwich and urethane foam panels, the explosion of flammable gas occurred by virtue of fusion of the interior materials. The reinforced glass was fractured owing to the temperature difference between the heat- and nonheat-responsive parts. Ultimately, the fire risk to the nearby section room was deemed to be high.