We compared the accuracy of volume of fluid (VOF) methods in unstructured solvers using the following five different methods: 1 - the algebraically compressive VOF method, 2 – simple coupled VOF method with Level Set (S-CLSVOF) method, 3 - interface-compressing VOF method incorporated with Laplacian filter (VOFL), 4 - isoAdvector method, and 5 - isoAdvector method incorporated with Laplacian filter (isoAdvectorL) by incorporating them into OpenFOAM®, an open-source software. To evaluate these methods under proper conditions, we compared the calculation accuracy using the optimized parameters, which are explored by Bayesian optimization. The test cases for advection accuracy of volume fraction and for imbalance of surface tension force in static multiphase fluid fields were considered. In this study, we found that the compression parameters and maximum Courant number should be adjusted to obtain high accuracy simulation according to the simulation condition in VOF and S-CLSVOF method. In VOFL and isoAdvectorL methods, the spurious current can be extremely reduced, which means that these methods are suitable for slow flow with higher Laplace number conditions.