Rationale: Cardiotonic steroids (CTS), such as digoxin, have been used to treat heart failure (HF) for over 200 years. They inhibit the sodium-potassium pump (NKP), and increase cardiac contractility by inhibiting efflux of sodium through the pump (“digitalis hypothesis”). CTS possess three structural components: a saturated/unsaturated lactone ring, steroid core, and sugar moiety, each of which may be involved in NKP inhibition/stimulation. It is now known that inhibition of the NKP in patients with HF increases mortality, and all major beneficial treatments increase its activity. Endogenous circulating CTS such as ouabain are generally thought to inhibit the NKP, despite studies sporadically reporting ouabain-induced pump stimulation. This study aims to identify whether ouabain-induced pump stimulation occurs, and if so, which structural components are involved in causing pump stimulation. Methods & Results: Cardiac myocytes were isolated from male New Zealand White rabbits, placed in a Tyrode’s solution, and whole-cell patch clamped. They were exposed to 0-30nM ouabain, 0-50nM dihydroouabain (ouabain with a saturated lactone ring) or 0-500nM ouabagenin (ouabain lacking a sugar moiety) for 1 min, followed by a potassium-free solution, with the difference in current yielding the NKP current. Compared to the 0.47±0.05 pA/pF Tyrode’s solution control (n=11), 5nM ouabain significantly increased NKP current to 0.69±0.09 pA/pF ( P <0.05, n=6). Exposure to dihydroouabain or ouabagenin did not significantly change NKP current in the studied concentration range. Cell viability assays carried out on the breast cancer cell line MCF7, which have an NKP structure extremely similar to that of cardiomyocytes, showed significantly elevated viability above control values (n=2) following 24h treatment with 0-9nM ouabain; maximum viability was 116±5% at 0.28nM ( P <0.05, n=4). A significant change in viability was not observed for ouabagenin or digoxin in the same concentration range. Conclusion: Low-dose ouabain uniquely stimulates NKP activity. Low-dose dihydroouabain and ouabagenin do not, suggesting that a sugar moiety and unsaturated lactone ring are required for pump stimulation. Ouabain in its unaltered form may be a potential treatment for HF.