Nowadays, organizations must exploit opportunities and avoid risks by applying relevant strategies and developing various strategic approaches that will improve their competitive edge and overall performance. One of the possible ways to improve business efficiency and performance is through diversification in light of available government policies and regulations. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the moderating effect of government policies and regulations on diversification strategies and organizational performance amidst organizational and environmental forces within star rated hotels in the coast region of Kenya. The specific objectives were; to determine the moderating effects of government policies and regulations on the relationship between diversification strategies and organizational performance among star rated hotels in the Kenyan Coast. Notably, 36 star rated hotels were selected while 419 respondents were involved which comprised; strategic managers, tactical and operational managers. This represented a response rate of 92.4% and 80.6% for the questionnaires and interviews respectively. Stratified sampling was used to select the hotels while purposive sampling was used to select the managers. Questionnaires and interview schedules were used during data collection. Data analyze was both analyzed using both descriptive and inferential analysis. The model summary results indicate that R-Square value improves (from 0.598 to 0.617) when the moderating variable (Government policies and regulations) was added to the regression model. This means that government policies and regulations improve the relationship between related diversification strategies and performance of star rated hotels in the Kenyan Coast. The model summary results in Table 5 show that the value of R-Square improves from 0.558 without the moderating variable to 0.670 with the moderating variable. The moderating variable therefore improves the relationship between unrelated diversification strategies and performance of star rated hotels in the Kenyan Coast. The null hypothesis “Government policies and regulations do not have a significant moderating effect on the relationship diversification strategies with performance of star rated hotels in the Kenyan Coast” was rejected. In conclusion, government policies and regulations have a significant moderating effect on the effect of diversification strategies on performance of star rated hotels, annihilating the simple linear relations between predictor and outcome variables. The government should encourage diversification among hotel industry by providing favourable environment to conduct business through reduced tax and subsidies especially during economic turbulence.
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