In April 1884 Prince Bismarck, chancellor of Germany, suddenly broke away from his long maintained anti-colonial policy, and inaugurated the German colonial empire by placing Angra Pequena under German protection. Angra Pequena was a small harbour in the middle of the unoccupied territory that later became the first German colony, South-West Africa, a long coastal stretch which England did not particularly desire and had several times refused to annex. It had only one really good harbour, Walfisch Bay, which England already possessed. Furthermore, the senior members of the second Gladstone ministry, which was in power in 1884, were generally opposed to new colonial adventures. In such circumstances, it was to be expected that Bismarck's new departure would meet with little or no opposition from the British Government, and that the formation of the comparatively modest German colonial empire would not cause a ripple in the cordial diplomatic relations existing between the two countries at that time.