Based on the performed research it is determined that the encouragement of the teachers of the European Union countries can be reflected in providing certain benefits for conscientious performance of professional duties and be a basis for distinction in a material, organizational, personal way; in reward for active professional pedagogical activity, etc. It is determined that encouragement procedures are a set of interrelated, interdependent procedural actions, subject to the administrative regulations, which are aimed at achieving a certain result determined by the objective of the existing regulations of the encouragement system of each country of the European Union and evaluated by the appropriate encouragement. Encouragement systems reflect the professional activities not only of individual teachers but also of the entire teaching staff of a higher education institution, that arouses interest in obtaining certain material, moral and social benefits. Emphasis is placed on the role of encouragement as an important basis for creating a system of motivation to improve the professional competence of teachers. It is established that motivation causes interaction of conditions of activity of the foreign language teachers and its focus on self-development, self-improvement of their professional quality and depends on individual characteristics, age, pedagogical experience, job title, general and professional competence, which provides for a combination of knowledge of didactics, psychology and methods of teaching foreign languages, linguistics, etc. The necessity of changes in the professional activity of the foreign language teachers is noted, which today formulate new goals and their achievements with the innovative pedagogical technologies and their means.The views of both domestic and foreign scientists on the research problem are analyzed, which allow us to conclude that each European Union country has its own personal differences in the encouragement system (wages, incentives, additional payments, financial rewards, etc.), i.e., heterogeneity exists not only in universities of different countries but also within a particular higher education institution. At the same time, the requirements for knowledge and understanding of theoretical and practical strategies of encouragement systems largely coincide.
 Keywords: European Union countries; encouragement; teachers; foreign language teachers; motivation systems; incentive; professional competence; innovation activity; self-improvement; self-development.