In recent decades, the study of discrete distributions has received increasing attention in the field of statistics, mainly because discrete distributions can model a wide range of count data. One common distribution used for modeling count data, for instance, is the negative binomial distribution (NBD), which performs well with over-dispersed data. In this paper, a new count distribution is introduced, called the conflation of negative binomial and logarithmic distributions, which is formed by conflating the negative binomial and logarithmic distributions, resulting in a distribution that possesses some of the properties of negative binomial and logarithmic distributions. The distribution has two parameters and is verified by a positive integer. Two modifications are proposed to the distribution, which includes zero as a support point. The new distribution is valuable from a theoretical perspective since it is a member of the weighted negative binomial distribution family. In addition, the distribution differs from the NBD in the sense that the probability of lower counts is inflated. This study discusses the characteristics of the proposed distribution and its modified versions, such as moments, probability generating functions, likelihood stochastic ordering, log-concavity, and unimodality properties. Real-world data are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed models against other models. All computations shown in this paper were produced using the R programming language.
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