A stationary inflection point (SIP) is a spectral singularity of the Bloch dispersion relation ω(k) of a periodic structure where the first and the second derivatives of ω with respect to k vanish. An SIP is associated with a third-order exceptional point degeneracy in the spectrum of the unit-cell transfer matrix, where there is a collapse of one propagating and two evanescent Bloch modes. At the SIP frequency, the incident wave can be efficiently converted into the frozen mode with greatly enhanced amplitude and vanishing group velocity. This can be very attractive for applications, including light amplification. Due to its non-resonant nature, the frozen mode regime (FMR) has fundamental advantages over common cavity resonances. Here, we propose, a novel, to the best of our knowledge, scheme for FMR-based unidirectional amplifiers by leveraging a tailored amplification/attenuation mechanism and a single nonlinear defect. The defect breaks the directional symmetry of the periodic structure and enables nonlinearity-related unidirectional amplification/attenuation in the vicinity of the SIP frequency. We demonstrate the robustness of the amplification mechanism to local impurities and parasitic nonlinearity.