An article establishes assessment of quality of life, severity of seizures and emotional condition 117 patients with epilepsy, over the age of 18 (35.13±1.19) with different form epilepsy what started from 0 to 69 years (14.22±1.26) in the Machtagа village. How showed analyzes of the survey results, the patients sub clinic 62 (52.9%) and clinic 29 (24.8%) pronounced measure depression and anxiety from scale Ziqmond and high measure severity of seizures from national hospital seizure severity scale (NHS3) (20-27 scores bу 54 (46.1%), (3-9 scores by 40 (34.2%) patients, adversely affecting to their quality of life, assessment by questionnaire «QOLIE-10» (27.1±0.3). Social status research revealed a high patients unemployment rate (82 (70.1%) p=0.911). Between 70 (59.8%) disability patients most had secondary group (р=0.938). The number of lower secondary education and uneducated patient prevailed among native (28 (36.8%)/7 (9.2%)) and nonnative (11 (26.8%)/4 (9.8%)) village population (р=0.547). In population research 65 (55.6%) patients were married, 52 (44.4%) patients were alone (р=0.386). During the study it was revealed influence of ethnocultural characteristics patients to measure quality of life. A form of expression of religious beliefs, which, in the form of a clear implementation of the established religious rules, had a positive effect on the quality of life of patients from the hunhar and kechan mehelle, and mysticism in relation to religion, a form of upbringing in a family without encouraging intellectual development, and even prohibitions on obtaining an education, contributed to the formation passive personality with disabilities among patients from seidler mehelle, which affected their QOL negatively.
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