The yield load values of two-dimensional C(T) and SE(B) specimens with various degrees of mismatch, were numerically evaluated. The yield load values were normalized using the common format in order to analyse the effect of the weld, using C(T) and SE(B) specimens made only of base metal (BM) as reference material. In undermatched specimens (the weld metal elastic limit is lower than that of the BM), the normalized yield load decreases compared to the elastic limit of the BM. In overmatched specimens (the weld metal elastic limit is larger than that of the BM), the yield load increases. This variation of the yield load depends on the degree of mismatch and on the relation between weld size and crack length. The numerical results were compared with experimental values obtained with mismatched weld C(T) specimens using an ASTM A 588 steel as BM.
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