In modern society, there is a constant acceleration of social processes, which entails the uncer tainty and unpredictability. This situation requires the abandonment of standard algorithms and usual actions in favorof using non-standard approaches to solve the assigned problems. In lightof these changes, pedagogical science and educational practice pay special attention to preparing the younger generationfor the complexities and challengesof modern society through developing creative experience in students already at the initial stage of general education.The purpose of this study is to identif y the level of formation of the procedural criterion of the experience of creative activity of junior schoolchildren. Ithas been established that the core indicators of the element being studied are the ability to search for information, establish cause-and-ef fect relationships, and use existing knowledge in conditions of transformation; the ability tosee various options for getting outof the current situation, find the most ef fective way to solve emerging problems independently.The “Diagnostics of Creative Thinking” method by J. Guilford and P. Torrance, modernized by E. E. Tunik and improved by R. V. Ovcharova, is defined as a diagnostictool that determines the dynamics of the formation of the phenomenon under study.Based on the results of an experiment conducted on the basis of educational institutions of the Republic of Mordovia («Gymnasium No. 23» and «GymnasiumNo. 20»), three groups of respondents were identified with high, medium and low levels of development of the procedural criterion for the experience of creative activityof junior schoolchildren.
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