AbstractThe feasibility of the detection of electromagnetic response in the upper ionosphere to ground large‐scale ultra‐low‐frequency (ULF) and extremely‐low‐frequency (ELF) transmitters by low‐Earth‐orbit (LEO) satellites is considered. As an example of such transmitters, we consider the ZEVS 82 Hz transmitter, FENICS installation driven by 0.5–150 Hz generator, and industrial 50 Hz unbalanced power transmission lines. We numerically model the ULF/ELF wave energy leakage into the upper ionosphere from an oscillating grounded linear power line of a finite length suspended above a ground with a finite resistivity. The numerical scheme is based on the theoretical formalism developed to describe the excitation of an electromagnetic field by a horizontal grounded dipole. A realistic altitudinal profile of the plasma parameters has been reconstructed with the use of the IRI ionospheric model. For the ZEVS transmitter powered by 200 A current the modeled amplitudes of electromagnetic response can reach in the upper nightside ionosphere up to 60 µV/m and 6 pT. The assumption of an infinite source scale overestimates the ionospheric response by a factor of ∼7 as compared with realistic scale 60 km of the ZEVS transmitter. Unbalanced 50 Hz current of 10 A in large‐scale (>100 km) power transmission lines can produce the electric response in the upper ionosphere that is sufficient to be detected by electric sensors at LEO satellite. The stimulation of artificial Pc1 pulsations (0.5 Hz) with amplitudes ∼1 pT and ∼10 µV/m by large‐scale (>100 km) power lines is possible with driving current >100 A. The use of decommissioned power lines can be a cheap and efficient tool to stimulate Pc1 pulsations in the ionosphere.
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