The present study was conducted to show genetic variation and investigate inter-relationships between 30 mango genotypes. We are selected 9 SSR markers with 30 genotypes cv. Kalepad, Neelum, Swarnarekha, Alphonso Rumani, Sendura, Banganapalli, Mulgoa and Bangalora etc. The genomic DNA was extracted from mature leaf samples with cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) method. Samples were run by Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) they produced 350 amplified products, of which 258 were polymorphic and 132 monomorphic. The sizes of the alleles detected ranged from 120 to 290 bp. SSR markers were highly polymorphic with an average of 3.04 alleles per primers. SSRs gave moderate polymorphic information content (PIC) range value of 0.147 to 0.778. The amplified products varied between 2 (MSSR 152, MSSR 155 andMSSR173) to 3 and 4 (MSSR 106, MSSR140, MSSR146, MSSR156, MSSR160 and MSSR190) bands per primer. We obtained moderate genetic diversity, with Jaccard’s similarity co-efficient values ranging from 0.065 between cluster I and II to 0.25 between clusters II and III. The dendrogram generated from the unweighted pair group arithmetic average (UPGMA) cluster analysis broadly placed 30 mango cultivars into three significant clusters at co-efficient similarity of 0.65. The cluster size varied from 1 to 27 and cluster I was the largest cluster comprising twenty-seven cultivars, followed by cluster II possessing two and clusters I possess one variety. Cluster I had the highest diverse cultivars namely, Mallika, Gundur pacharichi, Rumani, Sajahan, Dillpasanth, Senthuram, Amarapalli, Arka aruna, Banganapalli, Sundar langra, Sothuparai local etc. cluster II contain the cultivar Neelgoa, Arka puneet Cluster III contain the cultivars viz., Neelphonso. Unique fingerprints were identified in the cultivars. The tendency of clustering among mango cultivars revealed that they have a strong affinity towards further breeding programmes.
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