The article deals with the issue of inspections and evaluations as part of the internal oversight of the United Nations. It is described the powers and activities of the Inspection and Evaluation Division (IED), which operates within the structure of the Office of Internal Oversight Services. In particular, it is indicated that the Inspection and Evaluation Division conducts programme evaluations to conduct analytical and critical assessments of programme implementation and legal frameworks, checking whether changes in them require a review of implementation methods and the relevance of administrative procedures. The main functions of the Division include: preparing a report on programme implementation at the end of each biennium containing qualitative and quantitative information; assessing, on a systematic and objective basis, the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and efficiency of the Organisation’s activities in achieving its objectives; submitting a report to the UN General Assembly on strengthening the evaluation function and related oversight activities within the UN; conducting special inspections of programmes and organisational units to identify problems affecting the efficiency and effectiveness of the implementation of programmed activities and recommending corrective measures to improve programme delivery; providing internal management advisory services to programme managers, upon request etc. It is stated that the Division carries out several types of evaluation activities, including: programme evaluations; thematic evaluations; inspections; biennial studies on evaluation; evaluation dashboard etc. Themes covered by evaluations include: peace and security; sustainable development; human rights and humanitarian assistance; and organisational management and support. The main target audiences and users of the IED evaluation materials are: the Secretary-General, UN programme managers and staff, member states, primarily the Committee for Programme and Coordination (CPC) and the Administrative and Budgetary Committee (Fifth Committee) of the General Assembly and Security Council, UN stakeholders and partners.