Collaborative filtering is a technique that takes into account the common characteristics of users and items in recommender systems. Matrix decompositions are one of the most used techniques in collaborative filtering based recommendation systems. Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) based approaches are widely used. Although they are quite good at dealing with the scalability problem, their complexities are high. In this study, the Truncated-ULV decomposition (T-ULVD) technique was used as an alternative technique to improve the accuracy and quality of recommendations. The proposed method has been tested with Movielens 100 k, Movielens 1 M, Filmtrust, and Netflix datasets, which are widely used in recommender system researches. In order to assess the performance of the proposed model, standart metrics (MAE, RMSE, precision, recall, and F1 score) were used. It is seen that while progress was achieved in all experiments with the T-ULVD compared to the NMF, very close or better results were obtained compared to the SVD. Moreover, this study may guide T-ULVD based future studies on solving the cold-start problem and reducing the sparsity in collaborative filtering based recommender systems.
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