areas of severe bone loss typical of osteolytic lesions (Fig. 1). A computed tomographic scan of the head showed multiple tumors in the diploe and subscalp. Ultrasonography (US) of the right temporal tumor showed a fl at, hypoechoic 2.5 × 1.0-cm mass with heterogeneous components on the surface of the skull that appeared to be lifting the pericranium (Fig. 2). Color Doppler ultrasound imaging revealed rich vascularity, and the blood fl ow passed mainly through the cranium (Fig. 3). Ultrasound examination of the tumor in the parietal region showed a hypoechoic 2.0-cm mass in the diploe of the skull, which corresponded to the punchedout lesion and showed hypertrophy of the pericranium near the tumor (Fig. 4). Ultrasound also showed part of the cerebrum through the bone defi cit area. Ultrasound-guided fi ne-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) of the right temporal tumor showed atypical round cells of various sizes, some of which were multinucleated. The histologic fi ndings were consistent with a diagnosis of multiple myeloma.
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