Heavy-flavor quarks are considered to be effective probes of the Quark–Gluon Plasma (QGP) produced in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Since quarks have a large mass, their production takes place mostly in initial hard processes, and it is calculable using perturbative QCD. Thus, heavy flavor quarks can be considered as ideal early-generated penetrating probes of the created medium and utilized to investigate mass-dependent properties of in-medium parton energy loss. Moreover, the measurement of heavy-flavor jet production in pp, besides being a natural reference for Pb–Pb studies, allows testing pQCD calculations and models of charm fragmentation in vacuum. In addition, similar measurements in p–Pb collisions allow assessing the importance of cold nuclear matter effects. The ALICE experiment at the LHC has excellent particle tracking capabilities, that allow for a precise jet reconstruction and for the identification of [Formula: see text]-meson and beauty hadron decay vertices, displaced hundreds of micrometers from the primary interaction vertex. In this proceedings, we will report the latest heavy-flavor jet measurements performed in p–Pb and pp collisions.