Effective natural fractures are those that contribute to reservoir storage and conductivity. In this study, the effectiveness of fractures in deep and ultradeep reservoirs (depths > 6 km) is evaluated by using geophysical image logs, cores, microstructures, mechanical tests, and geologic evidence of the tectonic context (including current in situ stress) and sedimentary faces and diagenesis. Intraformational open-mode fractures are the most common fracture type in this tectonically active region, and their effectiveness is affected by the coupling between past tectonic activity, in situ stress, and chemical reactions such as mineral precipitation or dissolution (diagenesis). Our results show that the effectiveness of fractures is mainly related to the aperture and filling, and fractures formed by early tectonic movement are more likely to be filled by minerals, reducing their effectiveness. Strata near orogenic belts in strongly cemented, tight diagenetic facies exhibit a greater abundance of mineral-filled fractures, whereas dissolution increases the fracture apertures, produces secondary pores in host rocks, and roughens the fracture walls. The effective normal stress acting on the fracture surface decreases when the fracture is parallel to the maximum horizontal stress component, so the fracture has a large aperture and, therefore, is more effective. The results of our laboratory measurements reveal that the contribution of fractures to the reservoir space is limited, and the reservoir space provided by fractures accounts for only 13% of all types of reservoir space, whereas the presence of fractures increases reservoir permeability by 1–2 orders of magnitude. Fractures improve the effectiveness of the reservoir by connecting the dispersed pores in the reservoir matrix. Fractures with a low angle to the maximum horizontal stress component have greater apertures and permeabilities and are the main channels for fluid flow.
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