Knowledge of thrombus behavior and visualization on MRI in acute ischemic stroke is less than optimal. However, MRI sequences could be enhanced based on the typical T1 and T2 relaxation times of the target tissues, which mainly determine their signal intensities on imaging. We studied the relaxation times of a broad spectrum of clot analogs along with their image characteristics of three sequences analyzed: a T1-weighted turbo inversion-recovery sequence (T1w Turbo IR), a T1-weighted turbo spin echo with fat suppression (T1w TSE SPIR), and a T2-weighted 3D TSE with magnetization refocusing to remove T1 dependence (T2w TSE DRIVE). We compared their imaging behavior with the intensity values of normal brain tissue using the same imaging protocols as for clots. Each histological and biochemical clot component contributed to each of the relaxation times. Overall, histological composition correlated strongly with T1 times, and iron content, specifically, with T2 relaxation time. Using decision trees, fibrin content was selected as the primary biomarker for T1 relaxation times, inducing an increase. Up to four clot subgroups could be defined based on its distinctive T1 relaxation time. Clot signal intensity in the T1 and T2-weighted images varied significantly according to T1 and T2 relaxation times. Moreover, in comparison with normal brain tissue intensity values, T2w DRIVE images depict thrombi according to the principle of the more fibrin, the higher the intensity, and in T1w TSE, the more erythrocytes, the higher the intensity. These findings could facilitate improvements in MRI sequences for clot visualization and indicate that T2w DRIVE and T1w TSE sequences should depict the vast majority of acute ischemic stroke thrombi as more hyperintense than surrounding tissues.
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