The final state of Au+Au collisions at √s=130 AGeV at RHIC has been reconstructed within the framework of the Buda-Lund hydrodynamical model, by performing a simultaneous fit to final data on twoparticle Bose-Einstein correlations of the STAR and PHENIX Collaboration, and final identified single-particle spectra as measured by the PHENIX Collaboration. The results indicate a strongly three dimensional expansion, with a four-velocity field that is almost a spherically symmetric Hubble flow. We find large transverse geometrical source sizes, R G=9.8±1.2 fm, relatively short mean freeze-out time, τ0=6.1±0.3 fm/c and a short duration of particle emission, Δτ=0.02±1.5 fm/c. Most strikingsly, we find an indication for a hot central part of the hydrodynamically evolving core, characterized by a central temperature T 0=202±13 MeV that is close to (or even above) the deconfinement temperature of the quark-hadron phase transition. The best fit indicates a cold surface temperature T s=110±16 MeV. When the possibility of the hot center is excluded, the confidence level of the fit decreases from 28.9% to 1.0%. Predictions are made for the rapidity dependence of the slope parameters and for the transverse mass depedence of the rapidity width of the single-particle spectra, and the transverse mass dependence of the non-identical particle correlations.
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