The splitting, spectroscopic g-factors, polarized relative intensities and temperature dependence of the 2 T 1, 2 T 2 and 4 T 2 states of CrBr 3 and the 4 T 2 state of CrCl 3 are examined in detail. The 2 T 1 state is split into well-resolved 2 A and 2 E sublevels by the trigonal field, with no apparent complication from vibronic coupling. A hot-magnon-assisted transition to the 2 A sublevel ( hω mag = 75cm −1) is identified and its intensity vs temperature related to the nearest-neighbor two-spin correlation function, which is also used to estimate an excited-state exchange field of 1200 kG from the shift in energy of the 2 E sublevel with temperature. A single-ion intensity mechanism is also found to be important, and the resulting strong dependence of the 2 E sublevel intensity on exchange field direction and temperature (below T c ) is analyzed in terms of 2 T 1− 4 T 2 and 2 T 1− 4 T 1 spin-orbit mixing. Closely similar results are found for the 2 T 2 state, including a strong dependence of the 2 E sublevel intensity on exchange field direction and temperature (below T c ) and a hot-magnon-assisted transition to the 2 A sublevel ( hω mag = 48cm −1). Quantitative analysis is very difficult, however, because of a complicated sideband structure, the probable existence of a Jahn-Teller effect and uncertainty as to the rigid-lattice trigonal splitting. A partial interpretation of the structure, based on Jahn-Teller interaction with one or more e g , unit-cell vibrations, is proposed. A strong tetragonal Jahn-Teller effect is found in the 4 T 2 states in CrCl 3 and CrBr 3, as evidenced by a long progression in the 250 cm −1 and the 150 cm −1 e g , unit-cell vibration, respectively. For CrCl 3, an analysis of the zero-phonon levels shows that E JT = 500 ±80 cm −1 and indicates that the excited-state exchange field is antiferromagnetic, Isotropie and slightly smaller in magnitude than the ferromagnetic ground-state exchange field. Vibrationally-excited levels of the 4 T 2 state are examined qualitatively, aided by the analysis of the zero-phonon levels. The closely-similar CrBr 3 4 T 2 vibronic structure is also analyzed through a perturbation calculation, and a good description of the splitting, relative intensities and polarizations of the zero-phonon levels is obtained, yielding a value of E JT ≈ 400 cm −1. Spurious 4 T 2 zero-phonon structure is found in CrCl 3 containing stacking faults but similar complications are not found in CrBr 3.