STATISTICAL decision theory was originated some 15 years ago by Abraham Wald. In the past decade, great strides have been made in this field by Wald and others. However, so far these developments have had but little impact on experimental research in the social and physical sciences. There appear to be two basic reasons for this: one is the natural lag between theory and practice which so often occurs in science; the other, which in the present case may be more fundamental, is that decision theory to date has been too much concerned with the mathematical foundations of the subject and less with its immediate application. Curiously enough, here is a situation in which the foundational development, difficult as it is, is easier than the application to actual problems. What is decision theory? In its broadest sense, decision theory deals with the problem of decision making in the face of uncertainty. But since life is beset with all kinds of uncertainties, this definition is all-embracing and consequently nonilluminating. The truth of the matter is that the methods of decision theory are all-embracing, and could be said to encompass the whole science of inductive reasoning. But being statisticians and not philosophers, we attempt to narrow down the field. This narrowing down consists mainly in a specification of the kind of uncertainty with which we are dealing and an insistence that the decisions to be made must be based on observations obtained from an experiment. The notions of decision theory may be introduced with an illustration which, tho mathematically simple, exhibits all essential features. A few years ago Professor Merrill Flood, then at the RAND Corporation and presently at Columbia University, requested assistance in solving a problem which he and his group encountered in their experimental work with learning models. For our purpose it is not essential to know the exact nature of the experiment except that it dealt with the question of how a person utilizes available information to make decisions. The problem, which is an abstraction of the real situation, can be presented in the form of the now famous two-armed bandit problem. In this formulation, we are given a slot machine with two arms, a right and left arm. The probability of paying off is different for each arm, one having a probability co of paying off, and the other a probability 0, with co greater than 0. When either arm pays off, the amount is a monetary units. The subject is told the values of o and 0, but he is not told which arm is associated with which probability. The subject is allowed to pull either arm at any time for a total of N pulls. The problem is to study how, at
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