Hydrogen crossover in proton exchange membrane water electrolysis (PEMWE) is an unwanted phenomenon that leads to both efficiency losses and safety hazards. This issue is expected to worsen as PEMWE systems move towards thinner membranes and high-pressure operation (two straightforward avenues to reduce operating expenses), as well as high turn-down ratios [1]. To address the safety aspect, next-generation PEM architectures are being developed that include a recombination catalyst (e.g., Pt) to consume the H2, i.e. H2 + O2 → H2O, before it makes its way to the anode exhaust. An accurate method for assessing this recombination rate is necessary to evaluate the performance and optimize the recombination catalyst.In a previous work, we and others demonstrated that the H2 crossover flux can be calculated by analyzing the H2:O2 ratio of the anode exhaust [2 – 4]. However, some assumptions involved in this analysis are not valid in systems with significant H2 + O2 recombination. To get a full picture of the reactions that take place in such systems, it is necessary to analyze the cathode exhaust. By measuring the rates of hydrogen leaving both anode and cathode and comparing them to Faraday’s law, the amount of H2 being consumed in various recombination reactions inside the cell can be quantified.Figure 1 shows a schematic of the additions required to our previously reported H2 crossover quantification technique. The top exhaust path (grayed out) shows our earlier method for analyzing the anode exhaust. The bottom exhaust path shows the added method that enables analyzing the cathode exhaust. Both techniques use a GC to analyze and quantify the gas composition. In this presentation we will discuss results that verify the technique using H2NEW’s reference FuGeMEA system. We will further demonstrate how the technique can be applied to membranes with recombination catalysts to assess their crossover mitigation capabilities.
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