As health care organizations struggle to compete and even survive in today's turbulent marketplace, they often juggle a variety of initiatives addressing cost reduction, quality improvement, critical pathways, accreditation, clinical guidelines, strategic planning, and organizational development-each with its own priorities, advocates, methods, and language. One large health care system that had adopted continuous quality improvement (CQI) as a major strategy then responded to significant cost pressures with additional initiatives in reengineering, cost reduction, and physician guidelines, with varying connections to the quality language, principles, and methods. The senior leadership committee for the quality initiative undertook the development of a framework to explain the connections among the diverse projects and approaches-a framework still in use after two years. In this period of enormous change, health care leaders must quickly and effectively mobilize all available resources to optimize organizational effectiveness. Too often, management's response patterns have overemphasized a "splitting" tactic, managing multiple distinct initiatives. The creation of integrated delivery systems, mergers, acquisitions, and alliance exacerbates this problem, as the number of initiatives multiplies in the new organizations. Development and application of an integrating management framework will accelerate the pace of organizational improvement by increasing shared understanding of the current desired states of the organization; linking strategic, cultural, and method needs and behaviors; aligning various management initiatives in relation to organizational goals and one another; increasing the fit of management methods with specific situations; and providing a unifying perspective and language for organizational members to act and learn collaboratively.
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