Abstract In this Letter, we study the connection between the large-scale dynamics of the turbulence cascade and particle heating on kinetic scales. We find that the inertial range turbulence amplitude ( measured in the range of 0.01–0.1 Hz) is a simple and effective proxy to identify the onset of significant ion heating, and when it is combined with , it characterizes the energy partitioning between protons and electrons (T p /T e ); proton temperature anisotropy ( ); and scalar proton temperature (T p ) in a way that is consistent with previous predictions. For a fixed δB i , the ratio of linear to nonlinear timescales is strongly correlated with the scalar proton temperature in agreement with Matthaeus et al., though for solar wind intervals with , some discrepancies are found. For a fixed , an increase of the turbulence amplitude leads to higher T p /T e ratios, which is consistent with the models of Chandran et al. and Wu et al. We discuss the implications of these findings for our understanding of plasma turbulence.